The Time Has Come

The time has come to say goodbye.

The last year of the pandemic has allowed me the time and space to consider my priorities. I have loved making Truro my home for the last 40 years — in the home I built for my family, with loyal customers supporting our livelihood along the way.

During the Spring, I began considering my next transition. I decided to move to Bennington, Vermont to be closer to my daughter. My home sold immediately and I purchased a home in Downtown Bennington. I secured a new location for my business the Vermont Mill Properties Building in Bennington.

Our relocation will be taking place in September 2021. This transition is bittersweet for me. Truro is my home, and will always be in my heart… and it’s only four-and-a-half hours away and I will be visiting.


New home of Christine Wold Studio

117 Leonard Street
Bennington, VT

by appointment only